Animal Science Days 2020 - Call for papers
Call for Papers
Dear colleagues, researchers, students
Dear friends
We are pleased to announce that the Call for papers to the 28th International Symposium “Animal Science Days” (ASD2020 - Padova, Italy, 23-25 September 2020) – “Future Perspectives in Animal Production” is now open. The event will be held virtually via the Zoom platform (
Sorry for the late call, which was mainly due to the uncertainty about the COVID-19 pandemic. The situation has been constantly monitored during the past weeks, and at the end the most reasonable and safest decision was to cancel the onsite ASD2020 and move it to a virtual symposium. Still, we hope it will be a successful meeting. As you probably know, most annual conferences have been cancelled this year and some of them (e.g. ADSA, EAAP) have been moved to a virtual experience too.
The deadline for paper submission is June 15, 2020. Papers received after this due date will not be considered for publication and presentation at the Symposium.
Papers on all topics related to animal science are welcome, including animal breeding and genetics/genomics, animal nutrition, animal welfare/behaviour, animal product quality/safety, environmental issues related to animal production, livestock farming systems, sustainability of animal production, and others.
Accepted manuscripts will be published in Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica (AFZ,, a peer-reviewed scientific journal of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia). The AFZ journal is indexed in several databases, including Scopus. The Scientific Editor of the journal is Dr Radovan Kasarda (Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia) and the Invited Section Editor for the ASD2020 is Dr Mauro Penasa (University of Padova, Italy). Contributions will be published in a Monothematic Issue “Future Perspectives in Animal Production” as original papers. Please, ensure that your paper is of high scientific quality and correct academic English. Guidelines for authors are available at and are attached to this e-mail for your convenience. Authors are strongly encouraged to carefully read and comply with the Instructions (there is no template). Original papers must not exceed 5,000 words, including references, tables, figures.
Before submission, you need to register to the journal online system ( and set up your username and password. Once registered, go to the login page (, enter the online submission system, click on “New Submission”, select “Animal Science Days 2020” in Journal Section and go ahead with the submission process. All papers will be peer-reviewed.
Please, note that:
- each author can be included in maximum 2 submitted papers and an author can be the presenting author of only one of them (not both);
- if the number of accepted papers will be too high, the Scientific Committee will accept some contributions as “regular oral presentations” (15 min) and others as “short presentations” (5 min) which will be presented in a specific session. Anyway, all accepted papers (even those selected for short presentation) will be published as original papers in AFZ journal.
Final notification of acceptance is expected within July 31, 2020.
Due to the specific format of the ASD2020, there will be only a manuscript handling fee of 50 Euro per accepted manuscript (the usual standard registration fee is 120 Euro) and will be mainly used to cover some publication costs (layout manager and English language) and organizational needs.
More specific information and details about fee payment and scientific and organizational aspects will be provided by e-mail and via the ASD Facebook page ( Also, a webpage of the Symposium will be available soon.
For information, please contact Martino Cassandro ( and Mauro Penasa (
Even Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica (AFZ) does not provide a template for papers, Radovan Kasarda (Scientific Editor of AFZ) has kindly prepared a template specific for the Monothematic issue that will host papers of the 28th International Symposium “Animal Science Days” (Padova, 23-25 September 2020, virtual symposium). This should facilitate authors with journal guidelines.
Attached please find the template. You are strongly encouraged to forward it to your collaborators, students, colleagues and, more generally, all people who may be interested in submitting a paper to the ASD2020.
Thank you in advance for your collaboration.
Kind regards,
(on behalf of the ASD2020 Scientific Committee)
Kindest regards,
The Executive Coordination Committee
Martino Cassandro (IT), István Nagy (HU), Luboš Vostrý(CZ)
The Scientific Committee
Mauro Penasa, Marco Birolo, Valentina Bonfatti, Marta Brscic, Marco Cullere, Sara Pegolo, Cristina Sartori
Acta phytotechnica et zootechnica 2020