AFISHE project kick-off meeting, Yerevan, Armenia
The kick-off meeting of the AFISHE project (2023-2025), supported by EU from the Erasmus+ call for capacity building in higher education, took place on 24-28 January at the Armenian Academy of Sciences and the Armenian Agricultural University.
AFISHE project kick-off meeting, Yerevan, Armenia
The kick-off meeting of the AFISHE project (2023-2025), supported by EU from the Erasmus+ call for capacity building in higher education, took place on 24-28 January at the Armenian Academy of Sciences and the Armenian Agricultural University. The AFISHE project aims to create a network between Armenia, Ukraine and EU partner countries in aquaculture and fisheries. The main idea of this project is to reduce the negative impact of aquaculture and fisheries on the environment in Armenia and Ukraine through the design and development of Master's degree programmes in aquaculture and fisheries that are comparable in quality to similar programmes in Europe and adopted to national and regional needs, and to strengthen university-business-research cooperation in the sense of the concept of "from education to ecology". The established network of scientific research institutions will serve as a platform for the implementation of joint training and research activities in order to promote green approaches and activities in these areas in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Green Deal. The AFISHE project will also foster cooperation between universities and enterprises, resulting in the implementation of research and environmental operations and increased operational efficiency of aquaculture and fisheries enterprises. The aim of the consortium is to develop new master degree programmes in Armenia and Ukraine, teaching and learning materials, upgrade infrastructure and train teaching and non-teaching staff, as well as to link universities and the labour market, thus contributing to the training and retraining of professionals needed in Armenia and Ukraine. SPU in Nitra is represented in the consortium by the following staff from FAPZ: prof. Ing. Radovan Kasarda, PhD., Ing. Jaroslav Andreji, PhD, doc. Ing. Nina Moravčíková, PhD. and doc. Ing. Martin Fik, PhD., for FBP Ing. Anton Kováčik, PhD. During the kick-off meeting, partner institutions were introduced, details of individual work packages were presented, roles and responsibilities of individual members of the working groups were clarified as well as the adjustment of the timetable of individual activities. After approval at the EU Programme Office level, the second project meeting should take place at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra already this year.