Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources

EAAP 2020 (Porto) :: We have met virtually.


EAAP 2020 (Porto) :: We have met virtually.


“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” (Albert Einstein)

Between  1. and  4. December 2020 was held annual meeting of EAAP (European Association of Animal Science; https://meetings.eaap.org). Similarly to others, EAAP decided to organize this meeting on-line. In contrary to other scientific societies was the role of EAAP more complicated, because the final programme covered 73 sessions, 1500 participants with almost 1000 scientific contributions. The program included also 11 parallel session, one day symposiums and project meetings. To make the „machine“ work, in contrary to others scientific societies, was possible only due to the effort and individual involvement of dedicated scientists, which entered that arene as chai parsons of virtual scientific sessions. Thank to this effort was the meeting successful. As received from different sources, in comparison to other similar “virtual” actions was EAAP interesting and well managed. Either due to work of teams in the particular sessions, “live” discussion and adequate feedback received. Poster sessions are usually considered of “minor” interest. In case of EAAP were the poster sessions opened for questions and live answers of particular authors of posters.  At the main webpage of faculty is available plenary session record chaired by the president of EAAP Mathias Gauly. Every year plenary session is dedicated to emerging issues affecting animal production. This year were presented issues of global climate and climate policies, methane emissions and climate neutrality, or reduction of environmental impacts of the livestock sector. According the elections from 2021 Isabel Casasus from Spain will become president of EAAP. This year presented Slovakia and our faculty actively author teams leaded by prof. Kasarda, doc. Rolinec, Dr. Hanušovsky and Dr. Moravcikova. Please review the final programme in detail.


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